Saturday 21 April 2012

Softran Madu - Madu Ruqyah Makanan kesihatan untuk Rohani & Jasmani

"Hendaklah kamu selalu berubat dengan dua penyembuh iaitu madu dan Al-Quran" (Hadis Ibnu Majah)

Madu ini telah dibaca 30 juzuk serta dimasukkan Ruqyah dan telah diaurakan untuk mendapat kesan segera pada siapa yang minum madu ini.

Kami menyediakan kaedah yang betul pada anda untuk menggunakan madu sebagai perubatan (Panduan terdapat dalam kotak madu)

Bila anda menyimpan sebotol madu dirumah, ibarat anda telah mempunyai 'peti ubat' yang mempunyai pelbagai jenis perubatan menggunakan madu.

Minum madu juga dapat menguat daya ingatan, menguatkan semangat, menambah kerajinan dan melancarkan percakapan.

Sabda Rasulullah:
"Barangsiapa menelan (Minum Sedikit) madu tiga kali (waktu pagi) setiap bulan, ia tidak akan terkena penyakit"

Harga : RM 30.00

Sunday 8 January 2012

Baraka (Nigella Sativa) - Soft Gelatin Capsule - FREE Shipping RM15.00

Food Supplement, Nigella Sativa Oil, increases Immunity, Maintains Good Health

"Revealing the Mystery and the Secrets of Nature in the Al-Quran and Hadith"
(Natural healer mentioned in Al-Quran and Al-Hadith)
Prophet Muhammad PBUH has said, meaning:

"Keep your treatment with Habbah-Al-Sawda', for it contains a cure for all illnesses except death" (HR Al-Bukhari)

Expert analysis showed that modern medicine like HONEY AND HABBTUS SAWDA' HAVE THE NATURAL HEALING POWER. It is not surprising that habbatussauda' HELP to treat, alleviate, improve or cure many diseases.

Each capsule contains:
Nigella sativa ( El Baraka Seed Oil) 100 mg or 450 mg

1- Relief cough and minimize manifestations of upper respiratory tract disorders.
2- Protect against paroxysmal attacks of bronchial asthma and whooping cough.
3- Increases body vitality and overcome daily fatigue & weakness.
4-Improves body immunity especially during disease states and convalescence.
5- Relieves various complains such as flatulence & spastic pains

A box containing 24 capsules.
For adult: 1-2 capsules 3 times daily Baraka 450g
For children: 1 capsule 3 times daily Baraka 100g

Take note to the immitation or illegally smugled products. Grand pharma Baraka has halogram approval from MOH, Malaysia and Halal certification

The oil contains various constituents including Nigellone, fatty acids, glycosides, phenolic components, carotene, minerals as phosphorus and iron and some digestive enzymes.

Pharmacological Effects and Therapeutic uses:
Black seed oil benefit the relieves stomach pain and colic, and acts also as carminative. The oil is also antiseptic and is used to treat intestinal worms, especially in children.
The seeds are much used in India to increase breast milk, and used for respiratory treatment.
The seeds have immunological effects including anti-cancer properties, anti-inflammatory actions and anti-microbial effects

Pharmacological Effects:
1- Bronchial Asthma: Nigella possesses an anti-asthmatic action, especially for those perennial asthmatics who were almost addicted to some kind of treatment and who could give- up this after treatment with Nigellone.
- Children suffering from asthma or asthmatic bronchitis, administration of Nigellon orally the wheezing was found to disappear gradually and was completely absent after about one week of administration.
- For children with asthmatic bronchitis Nigella sativa proved to be an excellent agent in prophylaxis. Nigellone helps expectoration,
- It possesses an effective bronchodilator effect on both large and small airways, thus it improves ventilation and gas exchange

Antibacterial activity:
The antibacterial activity of the oil is that the whole oil inhibits the growth of many strains of gram +ve and gram -ve bacteria except some strains of pseudomonas.
The clinical use later in cases suffering form chronic otitis external or purulent maxillary sinusitis, showed that the drug was highly active in curing externa otitis and moderate cases of maxillary sinusitis.

Antifungal activity:
The oil shows also excellent antifungal activity particularly against aspergillus species
BARAKA have anthelmentic activity against tape-worms and hook-worms.

Immune Enhancer:
Nigella Sativa is enhancing effect on the immune functions.

The natural oil in Baraka capsules is well known for its efficacy in the treatment of a wide range of disorders and improvement of general body functions.
- It has an evident antispasmodic effect and is beneficial in cases of cough, bronchial asthma and flatulence.
- It also increases bile flow and has diuretic and antibacterial effects.
Baraka capsules contain the natural pure oil of Nigella Sativa free from any additives to ensure its therapeutic value in a wide range of disorders and for increasing body vitality and natural immunity


Food Supplement, Nigella Sativa Oil, Increases Immunity, Maintains Good Health

"Membongkar Semula Misteri dan Rahsia dari Al-Quran dan Hadith”
(Penawar yang disebut didalam Al-Quran dan Al-Hadith)
Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda maksudnya:

“Tetaplah kamu berubat dengan Al-Habbtus Al-Sawda’ ini, kerana sesungguhnya ia mengandungi bahan penyembuh bagi setiap jenis penyakit,kecuali mati” ( HR A-BUKHARI)


Setiap kapsul mengandungi:
Jintan hitam (El Baraka Seed Oil) 450 mg

1 - Meredakan batuk dan meminimumkan manifestasi atas gangguan saluran pernafasan.
2 - Melindungi terhadap serangan bronchial asthma dan batuk kokol.
3 - Meningkatkan kecergasan tubuh dan mengatasi kelelahan & kelemahan harian
4-Meningkatkan imunisasi tubuh terutama pada keadaan penyakit dan penyembuhan.
5 - Meredakan pelbagai sakit dan ketidakselesaan seperti kekejangan dan perut kembung

Sebuah peket mengandungi 24 kapsul.
Amalan pemakanan:
Untuk dewasa: 1-2 Baraka kapsul 3 kali sehari 450g
Untuk anak-anak: 1 Baraka kapsul 3 kali sehari 100g (akan datang)

Efek farmakologis dan Terapi menggunakan:
Nigella Sativa bermanfaat mengurangkan rasa sakit perut dan kolik, dan bertindak juga sebagai ubat yg mengeluarkan panas badan. minyak ini juga antiseptik dan digunakan untuk mengubati cacingan, terutama pada anak-anak.
Benih-benih tersebut banyak digunakan di India untuk meningkatkan ASI, dan digunakan untuk rawatan pernafasan.
Benih mempunyai kesan imunologi termasuk sifat anti-kanser, tindakan anti-inflamasi dan anti-mikrob kesan

Efek farmakologi:
1 - Asma bronkial: Nigella mempunyai tindakan anti-asma, terutama bagi pesakit asma abadi yang hampir kecanduan semacam perubatan dan yang boleh memberikan-up perubatan ini setelah dengan Nigellone.
- Anak-anak yang menderita asma atau asma bronkitis, pentadbiran Nigellon secara lisan dijumpai mengi menghilang secara berperingkat dan benar-benar absen setelah sekitar satu minggu pentadbiran.
- Untuk anak-anak dengan asma bronchitis Jintan hitam terbukti menjadi agen yang sangat baik di profilaksis. Nigellone membantu kahak,
- Ini mempunyai kesan bronkodilator berkesan pada saluran hawa besar dan kecil, sehingga meningkatkan ventilasi dan pertukaran gas